Sorry for the time lapse, but the next very long posting will bring you up to date and maintain our historical records.
Constance Stumin, Editor
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Thursday, December 16, 2010
Posted by constance stumin at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Pelican Point Condominium Association
MINUTES May 01, 2010 at 9:30 AM
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Colette Sellers, George Koury, Jaime Calzada, Doug Myers, Philip Lynch
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the March 15, 2010 meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: George Koury
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Made by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 11:45 AM and tentatively set next meeting on Monday, June 21, 2010 at 6:30 PM.
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned.
Pelican Point Condominium Association
MINUTES June 21, 2010 at 6:00 PM
Executive Committee Meeting – with Attorney
6:00 PM in the Office
Directors present: Colette Sellers, Jaime Calzada, Doug Myers, Philip Lynch
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the May 1, 2010 meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To hold conference with Board Attorney, Paul Wean, to discuss potential litigation and review possible actions to obtain satisfactory settlement of litigation.
Made by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 7:10 PM.
Board of Directors’ Meeting
7:00 PM in the Club room
Directors present: Colette Sellers, Jaime Calzada, Doug Myers
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To hold the General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, September 21, at 6:30 PM
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 8:25 PM
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously. Meeting Adjourned.
Pelican Point Condominium Association
MINUTES July 26, 2010 at 6:15 PM
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Jaime Calzada, George Koury, Philip Lynch, Doug Myers, Colette Sellers
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the June 21, 2010 Board meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To hire Leland Management Services, Inc. to provide services as described in the written agreement negotiated by the Pelican Point Board of Directors and Leland; with a six month opt out clause, without cause and with no penalty.
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved by four directors, with George Koury dissenting.
Motion: To adjourn at 8:05 PM
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously. Meeting Adjourned.
Pelican Point Condominium Association
MINUTES August 18, 2010 at 6:40 PM
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Jaime Calzada, George Koury, Philip Lynch, Colette Sellers
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the July 26, 2010 Board meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To appoint Steve Cropper as Assistant Treasurer.
Made by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Motion withdrawn until insurance coverage is verified.
Motion: To approve hiring Nadeem Zebouni to update the structural and architectural proposal for the Garage fascia wall and roof repairs, including a perimeter walk, to prepare and distribute the bid packages along with the AIA Documents A101 & A201.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously
Motion: To allow the members to vote on funding options for the garage Project and to vote to waive the annual Audit requirement of the financial statements and replace it with a CPA Review.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: Doug Myers
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 8:45 PM
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Pelican Point Condominium Association
MINUTES September 18, 2010 at 9:30 AM
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Jaime Calzada, George Koury, Philip Lynch, Doug Myers, Colette Sellers
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the August 18, 2010 Board meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To place the Association’s Association Flood Insurance Policy with Bushong & Associates, the agency for the Association’s Master Insurance Policy.
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved.
Motion: to appoint Member, Madeline Iovino, Assistant Secretary until midnight, September 21, 2010, in order to assist in the election process and sign Proxies that were assigned to the Secretary of the Association.
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved.
Motion: To adjourn at 10:55 AM
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously. Meeting Adjourned.
Saturday September 25, 2010
Minutes of the Organizational Board of Directors’ Meeting
10:00 AM in the Club Room
Directors present: Jaime Calzada, Steve Cropper, Larry Kershner, Colette Sellers.
Motion: To appoint Officers & Assistant Officers as proposed by Board Members.
Read by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vice President: Steve Cropper, Treasurer: Larry Kershner, Secretary: Jaime Calzada, Assistant Treasurer: Doug Myers, President: Colette Sellers
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To promote the Board Mission Statement: The Pelican Point Condominium Board of Directors will continue to improve our community property within a planned framework, in a fiscally responsible manner. The Board will make decisions based on immediate and longer term needs and benefits, with consideration given to owners and residents as a whole and as individuals.
The Board asks all of our Members and Staff to support the vision of making Pelican Point a pre-eminent oceanfront property, sharing responsibility to achieve measurable results within a reasonable time, while always looking to enhance quality of life and maximize value in our single family residence building.
Motion made by: Steve Cropper
Seconded by: Larry Kershner
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: to adopt Board Policies.
Motion made by: Steve Cropper
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Policies adopted:
Ø Board members will commit to knowledgeable governance according to PPCA Docs. & FL Statutes.
Ø Public communications will be at the Board's discretion: with Vendors, Realtors, Guests, news media, others.
Ø The Board will maintain control of the content that may be printed on the Pelicanbrief-blogspot and limit it to material that will promote the harmony and safety of the Community and protect its property values.
Ø Board communications with Board Members & other Owners will be respectful & open.
Ø Privacy for Owners' contact information will be honored.
Ø Written authorization by two Board Members of account coding and payment for non-recurring expenditures over $500 will be required.
Ø Board members will not have a business relationship with PPCA.
Ø Staff members will not work for individual owners without Board approval.
Ø All records & Owner contact info. Will remain at the PPCA location.
Ø The Interest rate charged to delinquent Owners will be reduced to 8%.
Votes: Each policy was voted separately and approved unanimously.
Motion: To hire one of the two qualified General Contractors [GC’s] who have submitted bids to repair the Garage fascia wall and roof, after Board review of final specifications and prices, contingent upon the GC being properly licensed and insured and upon the Board obtaining a valid contract with the chosen Contractor.
Motion made by: Larry Kershner
Seconded by: Steve Cropper
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To set up a Web Site within the public domain to market the Community to prospective owners.
Motion made by: Larry Kershner
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To continue the Ad Hoc Committee studying a new Door & Access System, including wind, ease of opening, security and Federal ADA and Florida Building Code requirements.
Motion made by: Larry Kershner
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To activate the Budget Committee, whose current members are: Philip Lynch, Larry Walter, Colette Sellers & to add Larry Kershner and members as appointed by the Board.
Motion made by: Steve Cropper
Seconded by: Larry Kershner
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To dissolve the Building Committee. Other Committees will be formed by the Board as the Board determines their need and the board will appoint volunteer members to serve on those Committees.
Motion made by: Steve Cropper
Seconded by: Larry Kershner
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 11:50 AM
Made by: Steve Cropper
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously. Meeting Adjourned.
Posted by constance stumin at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Current Events:
The Election of the Board & the General Membership Meeting was held Tuesday evening September 21st. Attendance was very good and the atmosphere was very relaxed. While the votes and proxies were counted by the Committee, Members enjoyed a menu of drumsticks, snack sandwiches from Paneras and other appetizers. Next, the Meeting came to order. The results of the proxy votes were announced: Issue one, to allow the Board to use Major Reserve funds not to exceed $125,000 towards the Garage repair was approved: 53 - 5. Issue two, to waive the Audit requirement in favor of a CPA Review was not approved: the count 49 - 7. The New Board was announced and the meeting adjourned.
The New Board met Saturday morning September 25th to appoint Officers:
Colette Sellers, Pres. 241-9992 Jaime Calzada, Sect’y. 398-5450
Steve Cropper, V. P. 813-8888 Doug Myers, Asst. Treasurer 389-6114
Larry Kershner, Treasurer 301-667-4698
Two Committees were asked to continue their work. The Ad Hoc Committee is researching the Door and Access System and the Budget Committee will meet this week to Draft a Budget to be presented to the Board. The Board will determine what other committees will be needed in the near future and will appoint volunteer members to serve on those committees. The Board will continue to work with the Engineer on the Garage Project and will choose the General contractor soon.
Leland Management came on board on August 2nd. Karen Baron, our Office Coordinator, has been an energetic, friendly, positive force since Day One. Karen has over 10 years experience in quality control for builder-developers. She immediately began ordering inspections of our major equipment and amenities, some of which were overdue. Our CAM Manager, Terena Pellasce has been in the Property Management business for over ten years. Prior to that Terena served in the Military 10 years and as an Agent in the Federal Bureau of Corrections. Both Karen and Terena have been working with the Board to put a heightened focus on Maintenance, in order to preserve our equipment and improve the overall appearance of the property. Ron Dombroski has successfully completed the Spa & Pool Care Certification Program. Please refrain from asking the Maintenance Staff to do personal service jobs.
Monthly & YTD Financial Statements are available by request. We have a surplus in the Operating Budget, partly because several maintenance projects that were delayed are still in progress, including the drain cleaning and fogged window replacement. The Reserve Balance on August 31, 2010 was approximately $542,000 and Operating cash totaled $151,480.
The Spa will be closed until the Board determines how and when to make repairs required by both federal and state safety requirements. The Board will be studying options for compliance with a stricter Florida code for Spas that will apply to Pelican Point in July 2011.
The Lobby Furniture has been rearranged, in an effort to improve the entrance appearance without purchasing new furniture at this time. The aqua loveseat and chairs were moved to the entrance alcove. Kristen Abrahamson repainted the “Forest” scenes with Palm Trees for a seacoast look. A ceiling fan and light sensors have been added to save energy and complete the low cost update. We hope you like it.
An Impromptu Labor Day Social Hour was attended by eighteen Members and Residents, who seemed to enjoy the time with their neighbors and the refreshments. No one rushed to leave in an hour!
The Buildings & Property:
Garage Interior & Bicycles: Thank you all for keeping our Garage interior clean and uncluttered. The floor and walls will be painted after the exterior repairs are completed. Untagged and unclaimed bicycles and other items that do not belong in the Garage will be removed and donated. If you have a bike in the Garage, please ask Karen for a tag, which is free of charge. Bikes may be stored only in front of your own Garage parking space or in your Unit or off premises.
Parking: The Board appreciates your cooperation in following the rules. Decals can be purchased for $5. Replacement Decals are free. If you park long term in our Garage or Parking Lot you must have a Decal. Parking Permits are free, but they for short term use only. Guests and Tenants are expected to obey the rules. All of the Carport spaces are privately owned – DO NOT PARK THERE!
The Handicapped Parking Spaces are only for persons with disabilities, including persons using wheelchairs for mobility. If you or your guest can walk from a regular parking space, please leave these spaces open for those who cannot.
The Club Room: Please be sure to complete the request/release form before planning a party or other gathering. No reservations will be allowed on Holidays. The Pool area cannot be reserved.
No glass is allowed in the Pool area. The Pool and other amenities close at 10 PM.
The Pipes & Plumbing Issues: We are continuing to clean the kitchen drain pipes, from the bottom up. B&G Plumbing has found several clogged areas in stacks 1 and 4, by lowering a camera through the pipes from the roof. We will need to clean the sink waste arm and the vertical pipe section in every unit in those stacks. Ignoring these clogs could lead to backups in Owners’ kitchens. The Board is committed to improving this situation. You will be given notice regarding any possible expense you will incur if the sink waste arm in your unit needs to be replaced. The cost will be modest.
Other News:
In Progress Item: The Elevator floors were coated with an epoxy finish two weeks ago. The chosen color was a dark turquoise. However, the result was a “Jaguar Teal” which will be replaced by the darker shade. The Elevator planters are not thriving, mainly due to lack of sunshine. Other options are being considered. Barbara waters every planter. Extra watering could be detrimental.
Please keep the West Walkways clear for safety and esthetics. Furniture that you use when you sit on the Walkways should be removed and stored in your Unit. All Maintenance Rooms belong to the Association. Please remove items stored in them before they are discarded by Staff. This is for safety. Building Maintenance requests should be given to Karen Baron for processing.
Safety: Be cautious about who you let into the building. If you see any activity that worries you or upsets you, please report to the Office or a Board member. If you observe activities that you think are illegal or dangerous, call 911 immediately. Report suspicious or dangerous activity to the Office ASAP.
Renovation Plans must be approved by the Board before work commences. Association pipes may not be moved. Placement of Air Conditioner condensers must be approved due to the effect on the efficiency of the other units in the Mechanical Rooms. Work must be performed during the regular work week: 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. The City of Jacksonville Beach has a noise ordinance and a rule that NO CONTRACTOR MAY PERFORM WORK ON SUNDAY.
Leases must be approved by the Management and Move-in’s and Move-out’s must be during day time and Monday to Friday. Pets may not be over 25 pounds. You must clean up after your Pets.
We offer a special thank you to our former Board members George Koury and Philip Lynch.
Both gentlemen gave many hours of service to governing our Pelican Point Community and offered solid ideas and leadership. George was instrumental in removing old furniture and clutter from the West Walkways and refurbishing the 102 planters. George also worked on the Garage Project. Philip guided us through the development of the Budget last year and past the quagmire of management and personnel issues we faced as we made a concerted effort to provide a more professional level of management that could provide a stable consistent influence while our volunteer Boards change each year.
Please send us your e-mail address if you have not already, to Karen Baron at: or to Using e-mail will save the Association time and money. BLOG:
Posted by constance stumin at 11:47 AM 0 comments
It is with great sadness that we must announce the passing of our Fellow Owner and Neighbor, Emil Hojak. Emil had been very healthy until this past year. He worked out every day and was so slim that we could wonder what he ate that kept him that way. Emil’s wife Geri cooked nutritious food and encouraged him in his fitness routine.
Emil worked for IBM in his career life. After he retired, he enjoyed a relaxing life with Geri. Emil was the Treasurer at Pelican Point and also for the Beaches Business Association. The check books showed his neat handwriting and the books were always in balance. He would have it no other way.
We who saw Emil every day realized we were losing his dry wit and his awareness a little bit at a time. But he would still smile most of the time and let Geri guide him to wherever they were going. For moments or even hours at a time, the old spark would return. Geri has a picture of the two of them holding each other and smiling brightly at the Valentine Dinner at church this past February.
Geri cared for him during his illness and they were together at Hospice when Emil “passed out of pain and went with the Lord”.
Emil will be missed by his many friends at Pelican Point. We offer our heartfelt sympathy to Geri. A Service to celebrate Emil’s life will be held at the First Christian Church of the Beaches on Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 2 PM. All are welcome.
Posted by constance stumin at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Just before the last Board of Directors meeting, there was a closed-door meeting of 4board members. I wasn’t there. I have been told that the Board voted to hire a management company to manage Pelican Point.
There are advantages and disadvantages to management companies. Some of owners may want a management company. However, I am concerned that the Board did not get more owner input before making such an important decision. You’ll be told that this decision is “cost neutral.” We were told the same thing when the Board outsourced our bookkeeping. The truth is that the bookkeeping now costs $6,500, an expense that we didn’t have before. $1,100 of that money was for legal services on the $5,000 contract. Furthermore, the cost of moving the office and other expenses associated with the move was approximately double what we were originally told.
Given the track record, I do not believe the change to the management company will be nearly as “cost neutral” as we will be told.
I am very disappointed and appalled at the lack of transparency in the way that this Board is making decisions.
I hope I haven’t wasted your time, but I feel it is very important that as owners you know what your Board is doing.
George Koury
Vice President, BOP
Posted by constance stumin at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
If you were unable to attend the meeting of May 18, 2010 that concerned personal and PP insurance responsibilities, you might find the following notes of interest.
Chuck Bushong, CPCU
Individual unit insurance
By state law (FL Condominium Act, Chapter 718 F.S.) each unit owner must have hazard and liability insurance.
Self-insurance is no insurance!
A condominium association may force-place insurance for any owner that has no insurance.
There are no specified amounts of coverage for personal property but should be based
on the owner’s valuation of the property covered.
You should have a personal liability umbrella of at least one-million dollars.
Consider flood insurance if you are located lower in the building (below the fifth floor).
There is special form coverage…WIND-DRIVEN RAIN COVERAGE. This is highly desirable for ocean-front condominiums with 28 year-old windows and doors! Faye, the last significant storm in 2008 caused water damage in many units because of four days of driving rain.
To collect on insurance there must be an insurable event, a loss, and a timely filed claim.
If negligence is involved, the courts must make that determination.
Don’t file a claim for minimal loss. i.e. a few hundred dollars.
Each condo owner’s policy should have loss assessment coverage of at least $2,000…or more if obtainable.
The F.S. 718.111(11) governs responsibility for coverage and protection; the insurance contract is next in importance. Individual condominium documents usually don’t matter except in catastrophic losses.
Make sure the insured is named correctly. This is important where a trust or some other entity is the titled owner. There must be an insurable interest in the property that is being insured.
Posted by constance stumin at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Pelican Point Condominium Association will hold an Insurance Workshop on Tuesday evening, May 18th, at 6:30 PM.
All Owners and Residents are Welcome at this informational session.
Many questions are asked about the coverages available for Condominiums.
There is confusion about what to do and expect when there is a loss.
We think you will receive answers to your questions at this Workshop.
Two trusted Insurance Brokers will lead the session: Chuck Bushong,of Bushong Insurance Associates & George Koury, of Koury & Associates
Both Gentlemen are very experienced in the Insurance industry and both have a very high interest in Pelican Point owners and residents.
Chuck is the Agent for Pelican Point’s Master Policy and George is an owner and our Association’s Vice President.
If you plan to attend, R.S.V.P. Bill as soon as possible at:
or call the Office at: 241-7206.
Light Appetizers & Refreshments will be served.
The Pelican Point Board of Directors
Posted by constance stumin at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Pelican Point Condominium Association
MINUTES March 15, 2010 at 6:30 PM
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Colette Sellers, George Koury, Jaime Calzada, Doug Myers, Philip Lynch
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the February 15, 2010 meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: George Koury
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 8:00 PM and tentatively set next meeting on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 6:30 PM.
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Philip Lynch
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned.
Posted by constance stumin at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Cucumbers...I didn't know this:
1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.
3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices
in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season
long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off
a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make
them flee the area.
5 Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out
or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your
problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber
cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer
and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
6.. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber
slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free.
Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to
replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in
equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!
7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge?
Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European
trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you
don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber
over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine
that not only looks great but also repels water.
9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice
and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react withthe boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back thshine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayonsand markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!
14. Put slices of cucumbers on a plate when picnicing al fresco. Will keep the bees away!
Pass this along to everybody you know who is looking for better and safer ways to solve life's everyday problems..
Posted by constance stumin at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Fellow Owners:
Be prepared for the upcoming storm season by coming to an insurance information meeting at Pelican Point Condominium. If you have questions about what your policy pays for, or what is your liability, then you “MUST” come to the insurance meeting on May 18th in the Club Room at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Chuck Bushong, President of Bushong Insurance Associates, our current insurance agent, will give us information about what our coverage includes as well as information about what individual condo policies cover.
Some of the information may be generic since not every one has the same coverage on their individual policies. Please write down any insurance questions you might have and submit them to the Manager in person, by fax or e-mail. That way, we will be sure that your questions are asked and answered.
Refreshments will be provided so please R.S.V.P. to our Property Manager so we can plan accordingly.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, May 18th.
Board of Directors
Posted by constance stumin at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
February 15, 2010 at 6:30 PM
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Colette Sellers, George Koury, Jaime Calzada, Doug
Myers present after 6:50 p.m.
Motion: To approve the Minutes of January 18, 2010 meeting and post to
the PP BLOG.
Made by: George Koury
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To use Bushong Insurance Associates as the agency to handle Pelican Point’s comprehensive property and liability insurance policy and approving the $80,000 premium down payment to bind the policy.
Made by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 8:10 PM.
Made by: Doug Myers
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Posted by constance stumin at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Pelican Point Condominium Association
MINUTES January 18, 2010 at 6:30 PM
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Colette Sellers, George Koury, Jaime Calzada, Philip Lynch
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the December 17, 2009 meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: Jaime Calzada
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adopt a Pelican Point Condominium Association Board of directors’ Mission Statement:
The Pelican Point Condominium Board of Directors will continue to improve our community property within a planned framework, in a fiscally responsible manner. They will make decisions based on immediate and longer term needs and benefits, with consideration given to owners and residents as a whole and as individuals.
The BOD asks all of our Members and Staff to support the vision of making Pelican Point a pre-eminent oceanfront property, sharing responsibility to achieve measurable results within a reasonable time, while always looking to enhance quality of life and maximize value in our single family residence building.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 7:50 PM and tentatively set next meeting on Monday, February 15, 2009 at 6:30 PM.
Made by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Posted by constance stumin at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
MANAGER’S REPORT December 16, 2009
Units for sale Units for rent
#505 $375,000 #301 $2,000 Unit #1404 under contract and
#803 $375,000 #305 $1,600-$1,800 in process of closing.
#1005 $350,000 #1006 $2,300
#1202 $295,000 #1101 $1,500
#1806 $649,000 #1803 $ ?
1. Associations are required to fully fund reserve accounts unless a majority of the
membership waives full funding.
2. Common surplus = the excess of all receipts of the Association, including, but not
limited to Assessments, rents, profit and revenues on account of the Common
Elements, over the amount of the Common Expenses. If the association has been
organized as a corporation not-for-profit and the common surplus does not result
from excess funds from a special assessment, it cannot be returned directly to the
owners and an alternative disposition MUST be used. The excess funds can be
credited towards to next year’s budget OR can be allocated to the reserve accounts.
Funds remaining from a special assessment may either be returned to the unit
owners OR applied as a credit toward future assessments with membership approval.
3. Air Force contracted personnel removed their equipment from our rooftop on Tuesday. The Association is investigating their intentions and the status of our contract.
4. Roof Special Assessment: 86 owners paid full amount; 8 made two payments; one
paid half; one paid $800. Total collected: $221,200 of possible $244,800. We are
fairly sure of collecting 2 more or $4,800. The estimated roof costs are less than
$150,000. $800 could be returned to 86 owners ($68,800).
5. Unit 204 up for auction 12/17/2009. Units 502 and 1205 will likely be auctioned as
Building and Property
1. Unit #1001 claimed at auction. Owners are remodeling kitchen. Units 1206 and
1801 still being remodeled. Unit #1702 may start remodeling in January.
2. No water leaks this period. The damage from suspended main wasteline cleaning
remains unresolved. Attorneys are involved with the matter. The Association had
level one cleaning done where possible in affected units.
3. The roof project started Monday, 12/14/2009 and halted due to bad weather after
two days. Work will probably carry into January.
4. South elevator has been an intermittent problem. Significant components replaced.
The latest problem diagnosed as low voltage to controller module. Schindler has
responsive in maintaining operational status.
Posted by constance stumin at 1:13 PM 0 comments
#505 $375,000 #205 $2,000 N/A SUMMER
#1001 $399,000 #301 $2,000 N/A SUMMER
#1005 $335,000 #305 $1,600-$1,800
#1806 $649,000 #801 ?
#1006 unfurnished
#1101 unfurnished
Watson 759-0474
1. Audit start postponed due to computer problems. Motherboard replaced on
01/13/2010. Compter infected with viruses and not useable.
2. Reserve study scheduled for mid-February.
3. Contract with Leland Management signed 01/04/2010. Cost is $550 per mo.
Or $6,600 annual. Legal to review: $1,140
4. Quarterly payroll returns in progress; also annual returns..
5. Anticipate four insurance agents submitting proposals. A decision needs to be
made by February 5, 2010.
6. Little or no progress has been made toward resolving the damage to three
Units from the November drain cleaning.
7. We have five troubled units: 3 of which are in foreclosure (204, 502, 1205).
The two with liens will follow.
8. Three storage bins appear to have been broken into. One had two toolboxes
9. Certain elevator upgrades are required by law. Electronic door restraints will
Cost $4,654. Universal fire service key switches for zone 3 will cost $2,213.00.
These are required and must be completed before the next license to operate
Is issued in August.
1. Chemical treatment of drains – 90 day trial period.. Evaluation in February.
2. Pigeons are a problem in the 18th floor, especially the oceanfront balconies.
May need to obtain netting to limit their access.
3. It appears that we lost very few plants due to the cold weather early in the
4. Unit #1001 finished a kitchen remodel; #1801 remodeled entire unit. Doors
And windows were replaced in unit #1002.
5. A wall in the library was removed along with an old a/c condensing unit.
New lighting and ceiling installed. Electrical and telephone lines moved.
Posted by constance stumin at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
MINUTES December 17, 2009 at 6:30 PM
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Directors present: Colette Sellers, George Koury, Jaime Calzada, Philip Lynch
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the November 07, 2009 meeting and post to the PP BLOG.
Made by: Jaime Calzada
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To hire Leland Management Svcs. to process Accounting Transactions & provide financial reports monthly.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: That the forecasted Common Surplus from 2009 be allocated to the 2010 Operating Budget to fund expenses.
Made by: Jaime Calzada
Seconded by: Philip Lynch
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To engage Reserve Advisors to conduct a Reserve Study and issue a Florida State required Engineering Report that evaluates the maintenance systems, with funding from Operating funds.
Made by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: Philip Lynch
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To approve the Proposed Budget as presented to the Members, which includes a $500 monthly assessment.
Note: The Association lost an antenna lease, which will be replaced by the Operating surplus.
Made by: Philip Lynch
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To approve the proposed Parking Policy, requiring all vehicles to post a Pelican Point decal or a Visitors Permit.
Made by: George Koury
Seconded by: Jaime Calzada
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn at 8:04 PM and tentatively set next meeting on Monday, January 18, 2009 at 6:30 PM.
Made by: Colette Sellers
Seconded by: George Koury
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Posted by constance stumin at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Instead of just passing in the elevator, let's get to know each other better. If you would like to be featured, tell us all about yourself. The following are just examples of things people would like to know about you. They are purely a guide. Feel free to be funny!